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Priority Laser Masks

PO Box 1968

Camarillo, CA  93011

Ph:  805-415-6852

Fax: 805-388-3807

Call today for a free quotation

With nearly 20 years experience designing laser masks and precision metal parts, Priority Laser Masks is a worldwide supplier to the laser marking industry for Lumonics, Lasertechnics, LightMachinery and other related mask marking laser system manufacturers.  Quality products and excellent customer service has always proven to be the Hallmark of our business.


Do you need precision thin metal parts, laser masks or any custom part made out of metal and chemical etching processes?  Do you need them in a hurry? Don't place an order with any company you cannot depend on and don't compromise on quality.


We've been in the layout design and chemical etching process business for many years and we know how to make your custom part quickly, accurately and affordably so you can get on with your business.  Expedited or quick turn requirements are not a problem.


Through chemical etching we can produce products for typical applications such as laser masks, screens, RF/EMI shields,  contacts,  apertures and even decorative designs. What can we make for you?


Why Chemical Etching?
Chemical et
ching creates metal parts with a precision unmatched by traditional metal fabrication methods. Tight tolerances are no problem.  Etched parts can be tabbed to remain in sheet form or designed as "drop out" individual parts.  And because we can make and ship your custom parts quickly, we know you'll be pleased with the process.


Photo-Chemical Machining, also known as Photo-Fabrication, Photo Etching and Chemical Milling is a process with many technical and financial advantages in the manufacture of flat metal components.  In the process, a precise photographic design is transferred onto a resist-coated flat metal surface and exposed to ultraviolet light.  Chemical etching selectively dissolves the metal, leaving a precise reproduction of the original design.  Since there are no mechanical forces applied to the metal, the final product is burr and stress free.

Contact us:   sales@prioritylasermasks.com

Priority Laser Masks

PO  Box  1968     Camarillo,  CA  93011

 Ph: 805-415-6852     Fax: 805-388-3807


Copyright © 2002 Priority Laser Masks   All rights reserved